What have you failed at this week?Throughout our lives we have been taught to fear failure. It’s something drummed into us through our entire school life, If you don’t pass this test you won’t move up a grade, if you don’t pass this exam you won’t get into university, if you don’t pass (with honours) your degree you’ll have no career and no options when it comes to the rest of your life. That’s a lot of fear to contend with through the developmental years of education. Often leading to people to not try, because when we don’t try we don’t risk the implied humiliation, belittlement and lost opportunity of failure.Just as not keeping score during a sporting match robs you of the feeling of success and winning it also cheats you out of learning to deal with the fear of failure and removing the stigma that has been attached to it.Failure is going to happen in your life there is no way around this, it’s what we do with that failure that is important. Failure is not about not succeeding, failure is about having the strength and resilience to try knowing that you may not succeed but are free to try again.Take a look at your week this week, what have you not achieved to the standards that you wished to? Also, look at what you didn’t try because you feared the failure, now imagine the feeling of success. With trying comes experience and with experience comes knowledge, not trying brings no gain and only pushes you further away from moving forwards in every capacity.Don’t fear failure, fear the stagnant pond scum water of not trying. Why deny yourself the opportunity of success with or without failure.Creating your tomorrow today.