Hi, I'm Geoffrey Painter,
Confidence Coach

Self-confidence coaching fuels personal growth by guiding you in mastering new skills, fostering resilience, and unlocking true potential, ultimately granting you the freedom you are looking for...

How do we start?

My Focus

Confidence Coaching

Growing your self confidence really does make the horizon endless.

Building self-confidence is a process that requires patience and effort. But the rewards are well worth it, as increased self-confidence will unlock your full potential and lead to a more fulfilling life. As you work on building self-confidence, you'll unlock your full potential and increase your chances of living a more fulfilling life. The rewards are well worth the effort, including a better sense of self, improved relationships, and increased opportunities for success.

  • Better decision-making: Trust your instincts and be more decisive.
  • Healthier relationships: Improve communication and assertiveness.
  • Enhanced motivation: Set and pursue ambitious goals.
  • Improved resiience: Face challenges, setbacks, and criticism will strength

Redefining Inner Child lessons & reactions

Our inner child's is shaped during the youngest parts of our childhood, then those behavioural patterns are cemented in place through adolescence. Your reactions may have served you adequately during that period but those same habits are more than likely holding you back now. We will unpack these habits, how they worked for you then and why they are holding you back now from becoming the best version of you. Establishing new lessons and habits that serve you and your needs when in similar situations now.

It's a passion that has only continued to grow throughout the years.

  • Fortnightly, Flexible sessions
  • Mindset and reaction changes through creation of new habits
  • Goals setting and planning
  • Rewire your way of thinking

Helping teens who have a spectrum or trauma diagnosis

As someone who works with teenagers on the autism spectrum, I have a unique opportunity to witness the challenges they face and also assist in their personal growth. Autism can manifest itself in various ways, but some common difficulties include social interaction, difficulty understanding emotions and nonverbal communication, and processing sensory information.

However, I have seen firsthand that with support and guidance, these teens can learn to navigate difficult situations and gain independence. It is my privilege to help them develop confidence and skills for navigating everyday life and achieving their goals. Supporting individuals with autism to fulfill their potential is incredibly fulfilling work for both myself and the teens I work with. And it's a constant reminder of their incredible resilience and determination in the face of challenges that neurotypical individuals may not fully understand. Ultimately, I am grateful for the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of these amazing individuals.

  • NDIS Self/Planned Managed
  • Assistance with academics
  • Reclaim identity from your diagnosis
  • Social Anxiety
  • Goals setting and planning

Hard work and honesty can open up a world of possibility

I have dedicated my life to helping people realize their dreams and how to achieve them. To reclaim life on their terms and put in place the mindsets that they will take and use for their entire life.

Personal Development

Spiritual Mentoring

School Life development

Mindset Coaching

Type 1 Diabetes Assistance

NDIS Support

Ellie's Story

I started working with Geoff in the middle of 2020. I was struggling with creating boundaries with family and friends, I wanted to change some thinking that had been formed in childhood as they just weren’t working for me any more. Also to try and enhance my relationships with structure and fix the poor communication habits that I developed. I also felt like I had low sense of self-worth around my feelings and expressing them and also in my actions, I wanted to not suppress what I wanted for other people‘s benefit. To finally get rid feelings of abandonment, at being left by people that were supposed to have cared. 

I was seeing a psychologist at the time I first started working with Geoff. I found that I would go and see the them and talk for the session it would end and then he’d see me again in a months time. Where as working with Geoff I would do the same debrief as I had done before but I would leave with homework for what I wanted to improve and this gave me the basis to work on myself to make my changes permanent. I would write down my homework and then found myself able to refer back to it if things got tough. It showed me that there were ways that I could work through things and move forward, this created embedded memories which create new habits and new mindset that I can take with me. 

The big thing I’ve enjoyed is being able to take way things from our sessions and to continue to work with them to improve myself in the way that I want to long after our session has finished.

 I’ve returned to Geoff as a client again because of the benefit I received from our first time working together. As I want to move further forward and develop myself consciousness and work through anxieties. I could see the benefits of working with Geoff again, I was about to start a new job because my last one sucked and wanted to find myself and bring positive outlook‘s to my life. 

I’m in such a better place now, there is always room for improvement and Geoff has helped and is helping a lot with that.

My Client's Words

After having lived through an abusive, emotional and verbal, relationship for 15 years. I had developed some bad mindsets and thought patterns. So I decided to See Geoff and work out some ways to reset my mind set and put some structures in place to help me change both the way I thought and my lifestyle. I also had a major phobia about dentists, so spoke to Geoff about this. After only one session he showed me a handy little tip, which i also use for other fears now too, which helped me conquer my phobia. And now have gone on to have extensive dental work without any fear at all. Starting Life Coaching with Geoff was the best decision I have ever made and would gladly recommend anyone who has any self doubts or issues, to book in with him.    


Geoff has helped me immensely with his wisdom and caring personality during our sessions. I have seen many psychologists and therapists through the years, that don't have the persona he does and how he helps you with  your problems and life in general. I couldn't recommend him enough.


Can't speak highly enough of Geoff. He has helped me in many ways. I look forward to every session. I have never been one to like therapists or consulting but Geoff gives u tools and reasons rather than just listening and taking ya money 😂😂 seriously give it a try. I'm glad I did.


I've been seeing Geoff as a life coach since the end of May to help come to an understanding of a long term relationship ending. Through these sessions he has been able to help me identify the loss and grief that has surrounded me and help me understand that it's normal and nothing to be ashamed of and slowly accepting it. Through out our lessons he would cheer me on for what I thought were small achievements he celebrated as massive. He has helped me understand my values, why they are so important and how they make me the amazing person I am. Geoff has been incredibly understanding and nonjudgmental with everything I have spoken to him about. There's still a long way to go but knowing I have sessions with him makes it not feel so difficult anymore and he has introduced me into a lot of helpful coping strategies for my off days.


I have never used a life coach before, but after going through some major life changing events last year I needed some help.  Geoff was able to help me see things more clearly so my mind could calm down.  Geoff thankyou so much!


Contact me here!

Contact me to begin your journey towards creating a fulfilling life. Together, we will identify your values and priorities, set achievable goals, and create practical strategies for achieving them.

Don't wait any longer to start living the life you want - contact me now to take the first step towards fulfillment. Let's make lasting change together.

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