In every circumstance there are three possible choices.Three? That’s right, I’m quite sure you’re very familiar with two of them and they are, A. do something or B. do something different. That’s quite clear and easy to understand. Obviously it doesn’t encompass when there are more than two options on what you can do, but there in lies another choice to be made. So what’s the third choice? The third is something that a lot of people do often as their default setting, when for whatever reason options A and B as listed above seem too difficult or too much work to execute. This is despite what we know to be the best option, because of our perceived level of work or dedication involved we choose not to action it.Which invariably leads to the third option, which is to not make a choice at all. To take no action on the situation or opportunity is to deliberately make a choice to not move in either direction. Well in the short-term this will feel easier and less stressful, most people would agree that long-term it serves no purpose and brings no benefit or even detriment. When no choice is made no learning can be had or lessons imparted. What have you ever deliberately made no choice on only to wish later on do you had of taken the opportunity to sort presented?Ever used the excuse of “The universal timing wasn’t right”? Now you are out sourcing the no choice decision.To choose no choice is to make a choice.