I want to change but what if it doesn’t work? That’s pretty damn scary!This is the open ended question that we all ask before we act. Change can be daunting and times overwhelming, however it is also one of the most rewarding things we will ever action in our lives. The largest inhibitor of growth and change is not whether it actually works or not nor is it in the not knowing exactly where will end up. The single largest blockage that stops change and growthis fear, the fear of it not being better than where we currently are. The fear of failure, the fear of success, or the fear of not measuring up to other people‘s judgements, these are just some of the fears that prevent us from moving forwards.We have to create the mindset that the fear of staying the same outweighs the fear of the uncertainty of our future. We need to decide that we are no longer comfortable with our current position and that to follow our dreams and goals even with the fear of not obtaining them is a better place for us to be and to grow how we choose. We need to stop settling for the warmth of a brittle plastic chair and instead brave the initial cold of the vastly more comfortable and enjoyable recliner. We have to get uncomfortable with where we are, Then decide to be comfortable with the idea that we are constantly envolving and improving our best.What is fear stopping you from achieving?Creating your tomorrow today.