An old teacher of mine often said to me “More detail.” I’ve never forgotten that. Honestly it use to really annoy me at the time, but now I’m grateful for her pushing me to go down the “more detail” path.It’s a commonly used saying unusually applied when completing tasks or actions. To take the extra time to focus on the smallest last minute aspects of whatever it is you’re doing, to not leave anything to chance.However a lot of attention isn’t given to the details during the dream or initial goalsetting period. This is an area that is very often overlooked because we focus on the glory of the bigger picture, often we just like to look at the shiny part rather than what goes into creating that shine.Next time you’re daydreaming about what you want to achieve in life either physical or personal dive right into the details. If you want to buy your own house one-day what does your house look like? How many bedrooms and bathrooms? What colour are the walls? What do the tap fittings look like in the laundry? It is in finding these details that the dream becomes so much more real. What does the house smell like? What are the views out of the windows? How big is the yard? All of these things when explored in detail will help you achieve the mindset that will bring your dreams and goals.